Harris English
“The Perfect Putter is the best training tool I’ve ever seen on the PGA Tour. All these years, I thought I needed to work on my stroke to be a more consistent putter. After using The Perfect Putter, I have realized that aim and speed have so much more to do with putting than the actual stroke. The Perfect Putter had helped me visualize the breaking putts that sometimes give me trouble and it helps me set up drills to do that help me to aim properly. After using the perfect putter each session, I walk off the putting green with confidence that I can start the ball online. Truly the best tool I’ve seen and I never practice putting without it”
Russell Knox
“Every week on the PGA Tour there is a new training device, a new tool that will “change your game”, the next best thing. Every week on the PGA Tour countless of training aids falter, until The Perfect Putter. The Perfect Putter allows me to practice so many levels of my putting and does so more effectively as well. I can get the exact break and speed on any putt in seconds. Working purely on visualization has helped me improve my green reading abilities and it creates a great image in my head of the ball going into the hole. Both give me great confidence. The Perfect Putter has improved my focus while I putt, no doubt it has made me a better putter and green reader.”
Roberto Diaz
“The Perfect Putter has been so beneficial in my putting. It has opened my eyes and showed me a weakness I used to have in my game. I used to struggle with left to right putts and this device has taught me that I was not playing enough break. The more I use it the better I get. I also love the fact that it is so small and durable because I can take it with me to every tournament”